Products / Pricing

Below are some of the recruitment options we have available. Discounted rates/options are available for job postings longer than 30-days or when posting multiple positions. When making your purchase, you have the option to pay online with a credit card or to be invoiced.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss all recruitment options and available discounts before you post, please contact:

Chelsea Majewski
Recruitment Advertising Specialist

Advertising Agencies: Please note that these prices are Net.

Prices start at $249! Put your job or exclusive banner in our next Job Flash™ Email to 6,500 Physical Therapists to increase candidates by up to 500%!
Options to attract diverse, veterans and more candidates available during checkout.

The Association reserves the right to determine the eligibility of a company or product for inclusion in the exposition or advertisement, either before or after the proper execution of the contract. In accordance to the APTA position in opposition to Physician Owned Physical Therapy Practices (POPTs), no [advertising] contracts will be established between the HPA APTA and a physician owned physical therapy practice. POPT jobs will be removed from board without refund if posted.

Job Postings and Job Flash™ Packages
Network Postings

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Bulk Job Flash™ Packages

Hiring lots of employees? Contact your customer service rep listed at the top of the Pricing page.